Your Passion to change the lives of mothers and children in the Philippines can go further on #GivingTuesday
On December 1, we’re joining a national day of generosity, #GivingTuesday. It’s a day when you can make a big impact on Maria & Joseph’s Ministry to the Poor and the mothers and children in the Philippines.
With your help, we’ll raise funds to help launch the “MJMP’s Building Campaign” and support and grow our vitamin distribution project in the Philippines.
If you make a gift online,
We will earn matching funds form our partner, Network for Good—Making your support go further.
How can you be a part of it? Here are a few simple ideas
- Consider making a gift on #GivingTuesday
- Join us for vitamin packing, posting on our website event page
- Take photos to post on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
- Do something kind for another person.
With your support, we can raise $5,000 to help build the MJMP Center and support and grow our vitamin distribution for the mothers and children in the Philippines.
If we can answer any question about the campaign, please let us know.